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Comprising nearly 40% of all mammal species, rodents are found all over the world. In North America, the most common rodent pests are the mouse and rat.

About Rodents

Common Rodent Types:

While there are many species of rodents, in New York you will commonly see the following types:

Norway Rat   Roof Rat   House Mouse

The Dangers of Rodents

Although rodents may seem harmless, they can actually be quite dangerous in your home and workplace. Rodents create a great deal of anxiety for occupants of infested buildings and pose threats including:

  • The spread of various diseases including salmonellosis, plague leptospirosis, hantavirus and rickettsial pox
  • Contamination of food supplies
  • The exposure of fleas and other ectoparasites that they carry into buildings
  • Structural damage caused by gnawing on building interiors and wiring, potentially causing fires

Rodent Detection

There are three major signs that signal evidence of rodent infestation. They are:

  1. Droppings and urine
  2. Footprints or dusty trails made by rodent tails
  3. Gnawed or damaged wood in your home

If you’ve noticed one or more of these signs, contact one of our rodent control experts to remedy the problem.

Rat Lifestyle and Eating Habits

Rats are extremely cautious about changes in their territory, and it usually takes several days before they’ll accept a new stimulus as part of their environment. They will usually explore about 100 to 300 feet daily. Because of their cautious natures, they’ll visit fewer food sites than mice; however, they will eat significantly more at each site than mice.

Rats reproduce year-round in stable environments that have adequate food, water, and harborage to support additional animals. About 30 percent of females will be pregnant throughout a given year, provided these conditions are met. Less favorable conditions will limit their reproduction to summer and autumn months. The average lifespan of wild rats is one year.

Mouse Lifestyle and Eating Habits

Mice are extremely curious and will explore their territory daily, including any new stimuli in their environment. However, their range of exploration is rather limited, ranging approximately 10 – 30 feet. They are also colorblind, and can only recognize objects at a maximum of 10 feet away. During their active periods, they will frequent many feeding sites and sample food from each site they visit. Mice have an average lifespan of one year.

Rodent Prevention

You can help prevent rodent infestations by:

  • Removing debris from buildings and grounds
  • Cleaning food debris and spillage daily
  • Trimming grass and weeds to minimize food sources around the premises
  • Fixing leaks and cleaning up standing water to prevent access to water supplies
  • Removing any unnecessary items from the floor and moving them away from the walls to make inspection and sanitation easier

Rodent Control

A rodent control expert studies rodent behavior to access the best tools and techniques for removal. This process entails:

  • Inspection of infested property
  • Sanitation
  • Rodent Proofing
  • Trapping
  • Baiting
Are You Having Issues With Rodents?