6 Immediate Things to Do When You Have Mice
Mickey Mouse, Mighty Mouse, and the mouse you gave a cookie to may seem like harmless and entertaining creatures, but in reality, mice can be a serious source of anxiety and distress for many. And it’s not hard to see why. Mice pose a serious health hazard to humans, spreading diseases, including Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCM), Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS), Tularemia, and Rickettsial Pox, among others. And unlike their cute fictional depictions, mice and rats won’t politely knock on your door for any invitations. They’ll invite themselves right in through any crevices they can find – holes in your walls, gaps in the foundation of your home, opened windows, even pet flaps. So if you have mice in your home, follow these practical tips on how to move forward.
Inspect Your Home
If you suspect a rodent infestation, conduct a preliminary home inspection, focusing primarily on anywhere mice may seek out food. Do a thorough inspection of your cabinets and drawers, under your sink, and behind appliances for signs of droppings. It’s also not uncommon to notice droppings along walls, on top of wall beams or studs, or inside old furniture.
Remove All Food Sources
Mice are attracted to the smell of food, so make sure to keep any food containers tightly sealed and out of sight. Store all of your food in plastic and glass containers with tight-fitting lids. If you have any pets, be sure to remove any exposed pet food in between feeding times.
Tidy Up
Take extra care to tidy up around your home. Not only will this help expose any mice, but it will also keep them at bay. Keep in mind that even tiny messes can spell disaster, and something as simple as a neglected bread crust can be a feast for a rodent. Be sure to de-clutter your home thoroughly; mice are notorious for nesting and will gladly snuggle up in your pile of dirty laundry if given the chance.
Close Off Entry Points
If you’re looking to control your infestation, you need to prevent mice from entering your home in the first place. Mice are tiny, and therefore experts at squeezing themselves through tiny spaces. Prevent rodent entry points by sealing up holes in the walls, floors, and cupboards. Trim grass and weeds outside your home and clear any piles of debris to reduce the number of potential nesting environments. This is also the opportune time to reorganize any neglected storage bins around the house, as mice and rats will seek spaces more conducive to their scavenging lifestyle.
Set Up Traps
Although not a long-term solution, setting traps can be a quick and effective way to begin ridding your home of mice. Snap traps and glue traps tend to be the most reliable options, as mice are prone to escape from the humane, non-kill traps if you don’t properly close up their points of entry.
Poison is not recommended, as mice could die in your walls, creating not only an unpleasant odor but a serious health hazard inside your home, as they can spread rat-bite fever bacteria.
Contact a Pest Professional
The most reliable and permanent rodent removal option is to contact a pest professional. They’ll be able to make an honest assessment of your problem as well as help you eradicate it. If you want to take the pressure off of you and leave it to professionals, then don't wait any longer and call our expert rodent exterminators in Westchester County.